

Seems pretty cool.
It's released under the MIT/X11 License, which is OSI-approved and GPL-compatible. No RMS-moral problem in using it, but I'd hesitate to contribute a ton of code since its not copyleft.
Right now the site is a bit slow, possibly because it's just been slashdotted.
Anyway, I find it strange that a project of a state university (Washington) is being mentored by a large corporation (Microsoft). I smell something fishy.
Some have speculated that it is designed to kill the GIMP on Windows.
Obviously, the biggest issue with this is the practical issue of it being MS Windows XP-only.
Anyway, I'm going to probably try this thing out on my laptop sooner or later over vacation. It looks decent, and it's free software, so why not?
PS: One other thing: On the screenshots page they say "Work with layers, a powerful feature usually found only on expensive commercial applications." Anyone who's used the GIMP knows that it does that and is also free software. Perhaps further evidence that it's the anti-GIMP?


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