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Why is Pinko both a Global Moderator (Sort of like a SuperMod in phpBB 2.1) and a forum specific moderator?

I will demonstrate the falseness of the logo fairly soon.

Pager claims that KiaCzar was being mean to him. He wasn't using any Moderator powers to do this. He did not once ask me to rid the board of KaiCzar's modship. What good is starting a new board?

Pager assumed he would become a moderater after X posts for some reason.

It's small. I know PDG started small, but is bigger now and already here.

There is no way of moving it. Since it is on a host that is attempting to lock the users in, the board cannot be moved to a better server.

Anyhow I think my point is simple. Neither Pager nor Pinkowish were under any moderative or administrative persecution. They went off and started their own because they wanted power to oppress others, not because they were being oppressed. Technologically PDG forums are superior. The administrator there has no experience with any sort of postion like that and is therefore not well suited to administrate a major board without help. (Of course, in response to this he will probably end up making Pinko an administrator or some garbage like that.)

The following does not necessarily represent the views of the PDG Club or of the PDG/EE alliance.
It is solely the position of Engleman Enterprises on the matter.


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