42 Recruitments in 40 minutes
I guess I said 75, because there were so many for so long, and my laptop was always in use.
The next obvious step is to put all that stuff in, and make them all freshmen, and add those that requested to PDG. However, there were non-freshmen there, so I'll have to exclude them, and put them in the proper class. The welcome e-mail will contain a link to prevent this.
Roderick was there, claiming to be VP.
What I should have done is put the registration onto the school computer we had and then done something cool on my laptop. Pinko's "junk drive" worked amazingly well on the Knoppix system, but we did not have mplayer on it, and xine couldn't handle it.
We were going to just show the videos in winsuck but it wouldn't let us do "workstation only."
Obviously, we couldn't just put a CD in the Knoppix one.
Plans for next year:
- Organize more clearly more in advance.
- Get there early, even if it means skipping seventh. (This is one of the few things that were done right.)
- Multiple registration boxes.
- Make sure to not use Curtin's windoze on other boxes. Either use one of our Linux toy boxes, or use Knoppix.
- Plan for a TV (or projector) well in advance.
- Keep the area behind the table "restricted." (That was the idea behind hooking Shane's laptop to the school's moniter.)
- Pre mix video, and test it on the subject boxes before the weekend before activities fair.\
Roderik again mentioned the supposive move to Fordham Prep server, and I have changed the notices a bit. Yet there are some remaining problems:
- Capablity of server - I doubt my stuff will be able to run on what Curtin's got, without me adding core software, and he won't let me do that. He may give us a POS box to do it on, but from my own personal experience, running even a board like PDG takes processing power.
- Porting - I will need to do work to make it work on Curtin's whatever. It was designed specifically for the environment it is currently in.
- Communication - I would need to speak at least as far as technology goes, even if Arca/Roderick really do have the political work.
- Past experience - This was supposed to happen last year, as early as January. Also, Curtin is known to turn PDG down.
- Polotics - If this isn't hosted by me (and especially if it is hosted by Curtin), I will need to go through lots of "red tape" to get anything of use done, even if the users are in favor of it by a landslide. I can easily picture others mucking with my procedure, undemocratically. Arca is essentially a dictator. What sets me, as Forum God, apart from him is that I have actually done stuff for the forums and continue to host it. I have also listened to the people and worked to do as they wish. SO I'm saying ther will be alot of slowdown in progress. The PDG Officials and the IT guys will both want to approve everything.
- Me as tech admin - I'm not sure if they would, but would not be suprised if they want me out as admin. As far as technoligy goes, all the code is poorly documented, and you will all be screwed essentially.
- Other Admins - It would be horrible if Curtin is an admin, which he would want to be. Besides, he would be "god" of the server anyway.
- My even more hi tech administration - Part of what I do also involves alot of file editing, programming, database editing, and so forth. This cannot be done within phpBB admin interface. I REALLY REALLY doubt Curtin will let me do this.
As far as LAN party goes, again we'll see what happens. I have some ideas to help Arca out for it.
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