
Nothing useful

Wow. We did sure get a hell of a lot of planning done, but unfortunately I couldn't use my laptop after 2300 EDT. Shane finished up like five SW:BF matches.
Oh yeah, while he was doing that I got to use the sound system
Upstairs, w/o lappy, we just talked and planned. Best idea was to have someone playing stuff, sitting there.

The next morning, I think \Shane said he set the alarm for 0600, but he didn't wake me up until 0730. I think it may have been that his dad told him not to go downstairs until then, but we could still do laptop stuff. That was the main reason I had my home desktop open to the outside. Anyway, I was dead tired, so I stayed asleep while shane went downstairs.

Eventually I went down there, figuring he already ate breakfast, and I could just get some on the way home. He said he did some DDR recording onto the video. He was plaink ut2k4, and I suggested that he record it, but I guess that never happened. Then we had breakfast (Cinnamon Life is good.). Thw Kaiser parents had something weird withone of their PC's or something. My biggest disappointment is we didn't watch Star Wars Ep. 4-6. Also Shane couldn't be bothered to post this whole time.

Anyway, I got brought home, but mad earlier than expected. I then did nothing useful besides eat lunch and help close the pool. Now is when I have to do all that crap, so here is my realistic list of things to do today:
Finalize the registration program
Forum video
Find out whether or not we have TV, if not then rip the VHS.
If we have a TV, mix the good stuff onto a VHS.
Eat quick dinner.
Get crap for linux box.
Pack everything up (including extension cables, cable ties, and laptop2tv).

Here's for tomorrow:
On the train, I will do the homework for Henry if I feel like it. Also I've got to study for LaVancha.
At school, first thing, make sure we are set for fair.
I'll have lunch fourth.
Then i will do homework until I can get down to the fair.
Tie up Meehan's linux box, and fix it.

Rest of week:
Import registrations.
Send out welcome e-mail.

Next weekend:
pdgBB 0.4.0 (sorry for major delays this weekend)
Fix up CTE Networks

Beyond that:
Permenant site
Gentoo issues
Learn stuff (OpenGL, Perl, or something cool)

darn. i think i forgot something
this is really being posted at like 323
screw it


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