
I lied

This is intended for those of you who have son's riding the Metro North Blue Line:

A recent change in the Metro North Blue Line schedule has turned out to have unfortunate consequences for our students who take the train from the somewhat northern areas of Westchester.

The train # is 622 and the changes require additional transfers onto overcrowded trains. In some cases, students have difficulties boarding or slight delays in one train result in missing the next train. 70 -90 boys have been late each day as a result. Our Attendance Office people are overjoyed to near ecstacy.

We will notify Metro North. If your son is affected, you may also want to call customer service at 212-672-1290 or fax Metro North at 212-672-1250.

We would like an adjustment or a return to the old schedule. Any help would be appreciated.


Bob Gomprecht
Hey, that's funny. The Journal News did nothing but praise the changes in an article today (scan+post tomorrow; official link (missing diagram, expires in a week)). I think that this change is good for all/most express custopmers, but from personal experience, it is not for local. I highly doubt a change to old schedule will happen (after they spent all this $$$ on a third track, why not use it?), and I also think that any adjustments wouldn't be major. What they CAN do is actually make the trains be on time. I'm not sure who's fault it is, but I do know that if the trains are all on time, this problem will no longer exist. I guess everyone's on my train now, until then.

PS: Whoops! He messed up. Train #622 is not the one to blame, according to sources who rode were late every day this week. It's #624. All #622 customers (only Pleasantville, Hawthorne, and Valhalla. I'm guessing the parent who complained lives at one of these and nievely blamed the train they first got on.) they must all switch at White Plains onto #624 (which, after stopping at White Plains, has ALL Fordham Prep guys from Southeast to White Plains). #624 is very very late getting into Mt Vernon W., from what I am told. Therefore they miss #324, which is scheduled to leave MVW 3 minutes after #624.
Should I correct him?


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