
January Exam Schedule Now Available

Here's my schedule then:
thrus PM: global
friday: religion, geometry
tures PM: chemistry
wed PM: english
thurs: FREE!
fri AM: latin

this works out very well.
the first week has only one test that requires studying, and that's at the beginning. so i study global the weekend before, and then quickly review religion and geometry that night.
i then have all long weekend long to study for chem and get a head start on latin. english i review on tuesday. then i have from the moment i walk out of english on wednesday until friday morning to do nothing but study latin. i even get to goto bed early on thurday. I'M GETTING AN "A" IN LATIN!!! HELL YEAH!!!
of course this schedule can change, as past history shows. either the midterm sched or final sched last year had at least 3 editions out.
if i could change one thing, it would be pushing latin into the PM session so i get to sleep late. We'll see what happens.


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