according to GoDaddy:
A transfer request for this domain has been submitted to your current registrar. We are waiting for approval. This process should be completed in 5-7 business days. You will be notified by email when the approval is received. Please check with your current registrar for more information.
At about 2:10 AM, the main whois thingie updated and made my domain officially ACTIVE.
When I got home, first thing I did was place a transfer order on They checked with the admin contact (me) themselves, and just now they began to say the above.
The whole process from here on in is regulated by ICANN, VeriSign (maintainer of the .net TLD), etc. (this is the "red tape" part) GoDaddy files a formal request w/ eNom for the transfer. eNom can either accept or decline within like a week I think. (I heard of some rule out there that basically says that if there is no answer, it is assumed to be yes.) Now, each registrar can determine whether they accept or decline however they want (I think.), but since eNom is ICANN-accredited, they must e-mail me a standard form requesting my approval (the e-mail from GoDaddy was completely voluntary (on their part) and informal; perhaps they just do it save their time from having to deal w/ the red tape if the admin contact not want it anyway).
I'm not really sure why they think it will be 5 days. I see no reason for eNom not go go right ahead and ask me right away (unless they want to piss me off), but it might be due just due to inter-registrar red tape (what I have to go through is nothing compared to that, but they do it for a living so it's automated, usually). They might even need to use snail mail for some of it.
Anyway, I seem to remember hearing about transfers happening within like 72 hours, maybe even 24. Perhaps their 5-7 day count includes all the stuff that happens after the transfer is all approved and filed with the registry. (technical delays, such as the 2-12 hour delay eNom told me about from when they unlocked it to when it became really unlocked in the whois registry thingie)
Anyway, I'll be impatiently waiting for eNom to contact me, and after that waiting for GoDaddy to inform me that the other registrar approved the transfer. Once its safely on GoDaddy, away from the clutches of iPaska (I think they might be able to modify it still with their reseller account. I didn't actually get eNom to transfer control of the domain to my personal account; they just unlocked it.), I'll let iPaska know that I don't need their help w/ my domain; I just want my CD.